Thursday, October 30, 2008


Most people agree fresh orange juice is the best, but sometimes it is easier to enjoy juice from a carton. This is almost the same as fresh juice but has been made from concentrate. Concentrate is evaporated juice. You can’t drink it because it is very acidic, so water is added to it.

The first step is to unloading the fruit from the truck. Then it will be grading by the people to make sure that the fruit is in good condition so that it will produce a better quality juice. After that it will be wash by the machine. After the fruit had been wash, the next process it will go to the machine for the size of the fruit. Next the fruit will go to the juice extractor and then the juice will be tested by the waste-animal. Then the juice will be evaporated with the high temperature for a short time. Next process the juice will be concentrate before it will be put in the refrigerated storage. After that it will go to the canning machine for packing the juice. Next it will go for the shipping to Dubai. Then water is added to concentrate the juice. Finally, the juice is ready for sale.

In summary, making a juice take a lot of process before it will be sold for the consumer in order to make the juice is safe to be drink.

How to add more memory to the computer?

In recent years, the system memory seems to lose its value faster. That’s great news, since, more memory, means more programs and files can be opened at once. A typical memory can have 512Mb or 1 GB, but now, you can be increased to 2GB or even 4GB.

The hardest part of installing new memory is figuring out what kind of memory to buy. Memory is an alphabet soup of packages, pin configuration, types, and speeds. Many current systems are supplied with DDR2 SDRAM (Double Data Rate two synchronous dynamic random access memory) in 240-pin module DIMMs (dual in-line memory modules). Another type, DDR3 (Double Data Rate three) SDRAM, which roughly twice as fast as the standard DDR2 SDRAM, uses 260-pins DIMMs slots. All of these types of memory are available in different speeds.

To be absolutely sure about what kind of memory need, check the computer or motherboard documentation. The type of memory should be mentioned. Alternatively, opened the computer case and look at the memory chips for hints.
Once the type and amount of memory are found and needed, locate the sockets and remove the existing memory. The computer should be unplugged. Try to wear an antistatic wrist strap, and remove the case. In order to upgrade memory, the existing modules may have to remove. If the modules are held in place by plastic or metal tabs, push down on these tabs at the same time and the module should pop out. Then, try to install the new memory. Most modules (DIMMs) have two notches

How chocolate is manufactured

mohd Wardi Hj Tuah
Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods, candy bars, milk shakes, cookies, flavored coffee — even cereal and medicine!. In fact, it ranks as the favorite flavor of most peoples. And yet, few of us know the unique origins of this popular treat.

The first step in manufacturing the chocolates is to harvest a cacao tree. The cacao tree must be about five years old before it begins to flower. Cacao pods ripen throughout the year, but main harvests occur twice yearly. Farmers use hand tools to harvest ripe cacao pods.

They use a machete (in malay we called it ‘parang’) to slice ripe pods from the tree and gather them into baskets. Next, farmers split open the pods with their machetes and scoop out the pulp covered cacao seeds by hands. Then they pile these seeds under banana leaves to ferment. The farmers then dried the fermented cacao seeds in the sun on rooftops, tables or large mats. Drying cacao seeds keeps them from getting moldy during shipping. Once the seeds have finished drying, the farmers scoop them into sacks. Each sacks can weighed anywhere from 130 to 200 pounds. When the seeds arrive at the factory, they were cleaned and sorted by type. Then they were sent to giant, rotating ovens where they will be roasted. The roasting process makes cacao shells rather brittle. Now it’s time to send the seeds through a machine called a winnower, which removes thin shells.

After that, the cacao nibs are ready for the mill. Heavy metal discs do the work, grinding the nibs into a thick paste that will eventually become chocolate. To make chocolate, the manufacturer blends un-pressed chocolate liquor with condensed milk, sugar and extra cacao butter. Machine shakes the liquor to mix the ingredients. Next, the thick chocolates crumb needs to be refined to make the chocolates even silkier. Giant steel rollers do the job of smoothing out the rough mixture. It won’t be long now until we have our candy bar. But first, the refined chocolate must be kneaded and churned one more time in a cinching machine. Lastly, the chocolate must be tempered to give it a glossy sheen and smoothness. Then it can be poured into a mold.

As you can see, chocolate manufacture is a difficult process. If you follow the steps described then you will be a successful chocolate manufacturer.

@eesays on how :Bread is made/Oranges oranges is extracted

Bread is eaten in most parts of the world, but not everyone knows how to bake it. I am going to show you how the steps involved in baking bread.
First, the correct amount of flour and warm water are measured. Next, the flour and water are mixed together in a mixing bowl. Yeast, salt and sugar are added. Next, the mixture is kneaded until it feels almost dry. The mixture is left for about an hour in a warm place. It will be grown in size. After this, the mixture is kneaded again. Make sure the mixture is not sticky when it is touched. Then the dough is left in a baking tin for about an hour to give it time to rise. Finally, the dough is put into a preheated oven for about forty minutes.
It can be seen that making bread is not difficult as long as the correct procedure is followed. You will love the taste and smell of your freshly-baked bread!

Essay: Orange Juice!
Most people agree fresh orange juice is the best, but sometimes it is easier to enjoy juice from a carton. This is almost the same as fresh juice but has been made from concentrate. Concentrate is evaporated juice. You can’t drink it because it is very acidic, so water is added to it. In this essay we are going to describe the processes of making orange juice concentrate and the final drink product.
First, the oranges are unloaded from a truck. Next, the oranges are graded. Then, they are put in washer in order to make them clean. They are then put in a ‘sizer’ machine. Next, the oranges are extracted in juice extractor. The extract is also given to animals in order to feed them. After that, the extract is put into the evaporator with a high temperature in a short time. The oranges are then bom concentrated and it will be stored into refrigerated storage. After all the steps of making the oranges are done, the stored concentrated oranges are finally canned.
The oranges will be imported to other countries. To make a delicious orange juice, correct amount of water is added to the concentrated. You will love the taste of the orange juice!

How bread is made

Bread is eaten in most parts of the world, but not everyone knows how to bake it. I am going to show you how the steps involved in baking bread.
Measured the correct amount of flour and warm the water first. The flour is then mixed together with water in a mixing bowl. Then the yeast, sugar and salt are added. Next, knead the mixture until it feels almost dry. The mixture is leave for about an hour in a warm place waiting to grow in size. After this, the mixture is kneaded again. Make sure the mixture is not sticky when you touch it. Then leave the dough in a baking tin for about an hour to give it time to rise. Finally, the dough is put into a preheated oven for about forty minutes.
It can be seen that making bread is not difficult as long as the correct procedure is followed. You will love the taste and smell of your freshly-baked bread!

How a photocopier works

Walk into almost any office building, you'll probably find a photocopier. For most office building right now, small or large, the photocopier has become standard equipment. It is so important right now due to the produce of copied paper almost instantly. In this essay I will explain a little bit of how the process of photocopier works.
Everything starts at its heart, a copier works because of one basic physical principle which is opposite charges attract. Inside a copier there is a special drum. The drum is charge with a form of static electricity. An intense beam of light moves across the paper that you have placed on the copier's glass surface. Light is then reflected from white areas of the paper and strikes the drum below.

Wherever a photon of light hits the surface of the paper, electrons are emitted from the photoconductive atoms in the drum and neutralize the positive charges above. Black areas on the original sheet do not reflect light onto the drum, leaving regions of positive charges on the drum's surface.

Negatively charged then attract the black pigment called toner and then spread it over the surface of the drum, and the pigment particles of the positive charges remain. A positively charged sheet of paper then passes over the surface of the drum, attracting the beads of toner away from it.

After all the process is done the paper is then heated and pressed to fuse the image formed by the toner to the paper's surface. And this is how a photocopier works.

How fish are canned.

Although putting a fresh fish in a freezer is easier to preserved fish, canning also does offer some advantages. Canned fish can be put into shelf and can save the freezer space.
It also eliminates the bone since bones are softened and become edible. I am going to describe how fish is canned.

First, the fish is sent to the cannery and it is cleaned by removing the unwanted parts. The fish is then washed thoroughly and dried. Next, the fish is soaked in salts in order to preserve it. After the cans are sealed, it is then heated and sterilized to kill bacteria to make it safe to be eaten by people. The cans are labeled and put into boxes. Finally, the boxes are stored in warehouse and ready to be delivered to any outlets.

Canned fish is easy to be carried anywhere we go. So why not try to buy canned fish.