Thursday, October 30, 2008

@eesays on how :Bread is made/Oranges oranges is extracted

Bread is eaten in most parts of the world, but not everyone knows how to bake it. I am going to show you how the steps involved in baking bread.
First, the correct amount of flour and warm water are measured. Next, the flour and water are mixed together in a mixing bowl. Yeast, salt and sugar are added. Next, the mixture is kneaded until it feels almost dry. The mixture is left for about an hour in a warm place. It will be grown in size. After this, the mixture is kneaded again. Make sure the mixture is not sticky when it is touched. Then the dough is left in a baking tin for about an hour to give it time to rise. Finally, the dough is put into a preheated oven for about forty minutes.
It can be seen that making bread is not difficult as long as the correct procedure is followed. You will love the taste and smell of your freshly-baked bread!

Essay: Orange Juice!
Most people agree fresh orange juice is the best, but sometimes it is easier to enjoy juice from a carton. This is almost the same as fresh juice but has been made from concentrate. Concentrate is evaporated juice. You can’t drink it because it is very acidic, so water is added to it. In this essay we are going to describe the processes of making orange juice concentrate and the final drink product.
First, the oranges are unloaded from a truck. Next, the oranges are graded. Then, they are put in washer in order to make them clean. They are then put in a ‘sizer’ machine. Next, the oranges are extracted in juice extractor. The extract is also given to animals in order to feed them. After that, the extract is put into the evaporator with a high temperature in a short time. The oranges are then bom concentrated and it will be stored into refrigerated storage. After all the steps of making the oranges are done, the stored concentrated oranges are finally canned.
The oranges will be imported to other countries. To make a delicious orange juice, correct amount of water is added to the concentrated. You will love the taste of the orange juice!

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