Monday, October 27, 2008

How flowering plants reproduce

Topic : How flowering plants reproduce

In this essay, I will describe about how flowering plants reproduce. A flower contains the STAMEN which is the male reproductive organ and the CARPEL which is the female reproductive organ.

In the first stage of the reproductive is the process of pollination. Two ways that flowers are pollinated are by insects and by the wind. The insects like the bright petals and the sweet smell of the flowers. They land on the flowers to drink a liquid called nectar. When bees touch the stamen, pollen sticks to the bees. When the bees move around the flower, pollen is transferred to the pistil.

After that, the fertilization processes occurs. When a grain of pollen lands on the stigma it begins to send out a tube. This tube then grows down through the style to the ovary. When it reaches an ovule, it releases male cells from the pollen grains. A male cell unites with a female cell in the ovule. The fertilized ovule is a seed. As the seed grows, other parts of the flower change. The corolla withers and dies.

When seeds settle, have enough water, and have enough space to grow, they start to germinate. Once the seedling starts to grow out of the seed, it also grows roots. It then is a young plant, and continues to grow. But some of the ovary swells and changes into a fruit.

As you can see the reproductive system in plants can be done when the pollination and fertilization processes is success.  

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